Every day I get up and do the same thing over and over again. It wasn’t until last night when I couldn’t find the remote anywhere in the house that I started realizing all the little things my husband and children do daily that send me over the edge. When talking to my fellow moms I’ve discovered we’re all in the same boat. So, I came up with a top 10 list of a mother’s biggest pet peeves:
1) Men’s hair
Yes, I’ve made this general because it could be a man’s beard, head, nose hairs, you name it! We hate the hair! My husband will probably jump in, as soon as he reads this, and start complaining about all my hair that falls out in the shower but here’s the thing I can grab my long hair in one swipe. Do you know how long it takes to clean up tiny little hairs?! Too long! I don’t want to sit there with a billion paper towels trying to get hair out of every nook and cranny.
2) Destroying the bathroom right after we’ve cleaned it
So, you can take this however you want but seriously it is annoying as all get out to finally get a sparkling, fresh smelling bathroom just to have someone go in and mess it all up. If you need to release your bowls, please take it to another bathroom hidden from any potential guests, not the one right by the front door. Oh, and same goes for shaving your beards/head. Please do us a favor and wait at least a few days after we’ve cleaned the bathroom. I swear the moment my husband sees I cleaned the bathroom he decides that’s the best time to shave.
3) Toothpaste all over the sink
I mean come on is it that hard to spit your toothpaste at the drain?! I mean are you sitting there letting it all drool out your mouth as you shake your head around, as if you have mad dog syndrome?! I can’t figure out how it could possibly land on the sink handle, mirror, or anywhere else outside the actual sink. I give my children some grace because they are young and still learning but for goodness-sakes you don’t have to look at yourself in the mirror as you’re spitting out your toothpaste.
4) Leaving shoes all over the place
I really don’t understand how this is so hard. I’ve made it as easy as possible to put shoes away out of sight. Growing up my mom made us keep our shoes in our closets and I promised I wouldn’t do that to my family, but here we are and they still can’t figure out how to put their shoes up. I have a cubby 10 feet from the door for all the kids shoes and a shoe caddy EVEN CLOSER for mine and my hubby’s shoes. Well guess who cleans up shoes EVERYDAY!? Yep, me…and that includes all my husband’s shoes. It takes 2 second people, 2 seconds!
5) Cooking a dinner that no one sits down for
This is one I boil over. I will slave away cooking for my family and come dinner time everyone decides they are no longer hungry and needs to do something else. My husband decides 2 minutes before dinners ready that he needs to mow or change the car oil. The kids, who have been telling me for the last half hour how hungry they are, have since decided they want to go play outside or forgot to do their chores which they’ve never cared about missing before. It’s not too much to ask for everyone to just come sit at the table and enjoy all our hard work. We are not short order cooks. We don’t make each individual a meal at their specified time nor do we make everyone their own customized meal.
6) Leaving folded clothes out on the floor
I HATE doing laundry, I mean I LOATHE it! The last thing I want to see is the pile of clothes I’ve spot treated, washed, dried, folded or hung up sitting to the side of the bedroom a week later. All they have to do was put it into a drawer or hang it on a rod. Simple! So, explain why week after week I see the same clothes on the floor to get stepped all over, wrinkled, and unfolded.
7) Blocks
I think this one speaks for itself. We mom’s in general just down right hate blocks! I hate that they always get dumped out all over the place. They are hard as a rock which means the kids will have bruises and bumps from throwing them, because that’s inevitable. The kids get bored with them fast but have a meltdown if we even mention getting rid of them. My personal favorite though, stepping on a block barefoot. Yep, that’s the one that takes me down every time.
8) Filling the trashcan to the brim
I want to scream when I open the trash to see it crammed with food and trash smeared all over the top of the trashcan. Sometimes they fill the trashcan and can’t even close the lid because it’s so overfilled. All we’re asking is if you put something in the trash that fills it up, take out the trash and please for the love of God put a new bag back in.
9) Not replacing the toilet paper
This one is just pure laziness. I can’t seem to get my husband to put the toilet paper on the roll when changing it. I’ve already instilled the importance of changing the roll immediately in my oldest, but that’s only 1 of 4 I’ve been successful with so far. Just for the love of Pete (whom no one knows who he actually is) please just put the roll on the holder. Those of us who depend on using toilet paper multiple times a day appreciate it.
10) Leaving dishes and trash around the house
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found wrappers from not only from my kids but my husband. Candy wrappers in the couch, granola bar wrappers under the bed, cups on the nightstand and tons of snack trash in the car. I know we may look similar to a maid but I promise you we aren’t one. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a little decency. Please take your trash to the trashcan, and don’t shove it in if already full, and at least take your dirty dishes to the sink and rinse them off.
Husbands and children- Being a mom is a huge task an it’s the little things that are so easy on your part that can help us get through this hard, sometimes nasty job. Do yourself and us a favor by thinking about the little things and how they can help us tremendously.