As soon as you start telling people you’re pregnant it begins…“what are you having?” People want to know so they can swoon over the sex and tell you how one is better or easier than the other. I’ll admit I like to know and I too have my own opinions on the matter, however mine may be a bit different than the majority.
“I’m a having a girl” is what you get to tell everyone. The reactions you get are composed of:
“girls have the best clothes”
“Awe you’ll be best friends”
“every daddy needs a daughter”
Etc. etc. etc.
My personal favorite though is “you’re going to have your hands full when they’re a teenager!” It gets even better if you are blessed with multiple girls. Then you get the “drama is going to fill your house” or “daddy you better watch out”.
Here’s the thing…I’m a woman. So, I think I know a thing or two about being a girl and the things we encounter in our lifetime.
Yes, I know there will be drama
Yes, thankfully I’ve used a tampon a time or two in my life so I think I’ll be able to teach them all about aunt flow
Yes, I know heartbreak and all about mean girls
Not only am I a woman, but I have a mother and two sisters. I’ve grown up with it, I know how to handle it. What I didn’t know was boys!
No one ever says these things about boys…EVER! I never once was told my hands were going to be full. All I ever got was a simple “lucky you, you don’t have to pay for a wedding”.
Here’s the truth people…boys are crazy! No joke! I mean men are pretty chill so to think I was going to have banshees running amuck all the time never crossed my mind. I thought, I’m going to have little gentlemen who open the door for me and cuddle up while we watch a movie. NOPE, not at all what I got.
Side note: Banshees are said to be mythological spirits known to wail warnings of an impeding death. Hmmm…sounds about right.
I got little trolls who like to constantly run after each other tackling anything and everything to the ground, including the dog, and do the most unthinkable things that they find funny but we find utterly gross. I can’t tell you how many times my husband’s been laying on the couch and one of the boys runs head first for his groin. LIKE WHY!? They find it hysterical. How about talking about butts, fart, and poop constantly and mixing them in with words such as head or face to make “poop face” or my personal favorite “fart stinky poop face” (insert eye roll).
They like picking their nose, and yours, and each others. They like to find the biggest stick and turn it into a weapon; hitting each other till one cries. They have no mercy for the weak.
Boys have a constant energy that you feel like you can never get rid of. I’ve tried taking away naps but instead of wearing them out they just run around crying instead of run around growling. I don’t allow them to eat much if any sugar, but it seems their bodies have an unlimited supply naturally released daily. I can’t tell you how many times in a day I say “just sit still for two seconds”. I mean seriously can’t we just stop moving at least while I brush your teeth!
My point is boys are harder than anyone will tell you. Sure, as they get older things will probably get a bit easier with them but when they’re young you better have lots of coffee on hand and an abundance of patience.
Things aren’t all bad though. Boys can be the sweetest. There’s something about a boy telling his mama how pretty she is or that she’s a princess. The hand holding and cuddling you may rarely receive are cherished even more because they’re so rare. When a boy says “I love you” it feels more meaningful and tugs at your heart strings just a little tighter.
They definitely make every task seem like an adventure…in a good way. There’s no shortage of laughter and jokes. They will always keep a smile on your face. You will always get a work out running after them and their constant need for change and movement will be never ending. I see these as the positives. They keep life interesting and keep you learning new things.
You can’t understand the craziness until you’ve fully experienced it. Ask them what their favorite food is and you’ll probably get “poop”. Try to play a peaceful game with them but be prepared for it to turn into a wrestling match or full fledged sword fight. Take them to their first sporting event or on an outdoor adventure and truly understand what it’s like to live in their world. They live for adventure and excitement and one day we are all going to wish those grown men are once again our baby boys.
with love,
Loved this post. They may be crazy but they sure are cute!