Easter is almost here which means kids will be having spring parties, Easter egg hunts, outdoor play dates, and lots of candy. What’s cuter than taking a favorite ordinary cookie and giving it a face lift!
I came up with this idea one morning when trying to think of an easy spring treat the kids could help me with. I didn’t want to make cupcakes because we can only ever eat a couple and the rest go to waste. I also didn’t want anything that was large and would be hard to transport. I wanted something we could easily bag up for our friends in our class, baseball teammates, maybe a fun treat to surprise our neighbors with, or just something that’s festive for ourselves.
We all love oreos in our house so I decided I needed to make these the center of our treat. And what says spring more than a bunny! These cookies can be customized with floppy ears, straight ears, or even a small marshmallow to make a tail and use icing to draw feet.
It’s easiest to first dip all your oreos in the white chocolate than place them on the wax paper. Let it sit for a few minutes and then when the chocolate is almost hardend but still a little sticky, place the ears on; this will hold them in place better. If you miss that stage just glue the ears on with icing.
Cut all your ears and noses in between melting your chocolate and waiting for your oreos to harden. This will cut down on your prep time.
After you’ve done the ears I found it easier to assemble all the noses by gluing them on with icing, then going back and drawing the faces on.
Have fun creating these spring treats with your kids!

- 12-14 Oreos
- 11 oz bag White Chocolate
- 12-14 Jumbo Marshmallows
- 1 container Vanilla Icing not whipped or cream cheese
- 6-7 Pink Jellybeans
- Food Coloring- black & pastel pink
Prep includes dividing the icing into three- one keep white, one color black, and one color pink. Place each color in a piping bag and cut a tiny amount off to keep the piping fine tipped.
Melt white chocolate either by double boiler or by 30 seconds increments in the microwave, stirring in between.
While the chocolate is melting cut the marshmallows diagonally and jelly beans in half. Cutting the jelly beans can be a little tough if they aren't fresh so please be careful.
Once chocolate is melted place one Oreo at a time in the chocolate rotating it and covering all sides. Remove with a fork and allow chocolate to drip off then place on wax paper.
Cover all Oreos and while they're hardening finish cutting the marshmallows and jelly beans. Once the chocolate hardens use the white icing as glue for the ears. I like to squish the ears at the tip to form a point for the ears and use the ones that aren't as appealing for the floppy ears. Glue the ears on as desired.
Glue all noses on. Pipe black face and pink cheeks and ears.
Remove from the wax paper and place on a baking sheet. Put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to harden the icing. Remove from the fridge, let sit 10 minutes then enjoy!